Mastering Focus Blocks
Focus Blocks
One of the best ways to get important tasks done is through the use of focus. To that end, we’ve included Focus Blocks on the Daily Pages.
A Focus Block is a set period of time where you block all distractions and focus on just one task.
Think of a Focus Block like a videogame power-up where you become immune to damage (distraction) and can thus cruise through otherwise difficult tasks with ease. I’ve found no better way to make amazing progress in my life than through this technique.
Use whatever means necessary to shut off distractions.
Set your phone on airplane mode.
Turn off notifications on your computer.
Wear noise-canceling headphones.
Let family and coworkers know not to disturb you when you have headphones on unless it’s an emergency.
Close any communication apps like Slack and email.
Use apps that block the internet or distracting websites.
With distractions removed set a short amount of time to focus. Inside the Focus Shields on your daily page, you can write down the duration of your focus. You can use any time amount you want, but twenty minutes is a great place to start. Use this time to focus on your most important task, and nothing else.
With your focus time chosen, set a timer. Make sure you can see the timer from where you work. Then start the clock and go! If you have trouble focusing for twenty minutes, drop down to smaller intervals to train yourself. Even five-minute chunks of concentration can have a huge impact. Try to get at least three Focus Blocks in each day. You’ll be amazed by what you can accomplish in these short intervals.